Rules You will have 60 minutes to complete the exam (unless you have been pre-ap

You will have 60 minutes to complete the exam (unless you have been pre-approved for extra time). The exam will be open book and open notes (i.e., you may use assigned readings and your own notes only). You must work alone. You may not consult the video lectures or the notes of others, and it is forbidden to search for information on the internet during the exam. (Evidence of any of these will be considered a breach of academic integrity.) You may cite the course readings where appropriate, but if you choose to do so you should be sure to use quotation marks followed by a parenthesized indication of author and page number, e.g., (Schiffman, p. 205).
You may take the exam through Canvas at any time on August 11th. The timer is set to 60 minutes, unless you have been approved for extra time.
Once you click on the “Take Quiz” button, the timer will start in the upper right-hand corner.
The exam needs to be completed in one sitting. Be sure to take the exam in a quiet setting with a stable internet connection. Remember to click on Submit, to submit your exam. Do not close the exam window before submitting the exam. If you go over the time limit, the exam will be submitted automatically.
Contents and Grading Criteria
You will be asked to write a single essay, related to any of the topics covered in Modules 9-16. Only one essay topic will appear and you will have to respond to that one. I will provide a series of questions/prompts in order to guide your essay. As with the midterm, the guiding principles of your writing should be (a) to display the breadth of your knowledge of the relevant subject matter (i.e., this is your chance to show me how much you know), and, (b) to illustrate, wherever relevant, your awareness and comprehension of the critical problems relating to the historical interpretation of the primary evidence (i.e., this is your chance to show me how sophisticated your understanding is). Your writing must include discussion of specific evidence and examples. These should be drawn both from the assigned readings and the video lectures.
Your essay will be graded on the basis of the following criteria:
1. A clear demonstration of mastery of all the main facts needed to answer the question accurately.
2. An answer that addresses all the issues raised in the essay question.
3. An ability to synthesize information from differing aspects of the course (namely, video lectures and readings).
4. When relevant, the ability to persuasively argue and weigh the pros and cons of an historical argument.

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