Read all of the appointed readings in this module prior to completing this assig

Read all of the appointed readings in this module prior to completing this assignment.
Read and complete the discussion assignment prior to completing this assignment.
In a Microsoft Word document, develop a 750- to 1,250-word essay that does two of the following:
Outlines your prior experience and how it is relevant to information and content in the readings or the discussions from this module;
Shows your application of appreciative inquiry for a problem within your workplace or current organization;
Is a reflection on appreciative inquiry and its usefulness in law enforcement intelligence analysis.
Read and reflect on what you have written prior to submitting your assignment. Think about your organization, your method of communication, and your confidence in having communicated the information you considered while reading or completing other components of this module. If possible, have someone else read your essay and provide you with feedback; specifically, is your essay clear, professional, easy to read, and free of grammar and spelling errors ?
my prior experience is working in a correctional state facility

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