Instructions: Please stream the Independent Lens film Cooked: Survival by Zip Co

Instructions: Please stream the Independent Lens film Cooked: Survival by Zip Code (Chicago), which may be found at: While watching the film, please type responses to the questions below.
1.When did the Chicago Heat Wave that was the premise for this film occur?
2.Who was the author of the Heat Wave book?
3.What was the visual “signal” to the retired Chief Medical Officer, Linda, that this event was not normal, and city was in trouble?
4.How did Mayor Daley frame, or what did he call, the deaths affiliated with the heat?
5.What was the “agonizing choice” many were having to make regarding windows?
6.What regions of Chicago were hardest hit by the heat wave deaths?
7.What were commonalities of heat wave victim demographic, age, and/or race?
8.Mayor Daley, in effect, blamed the families of the victims first. Then he went on the offensive with what head once the numbers kept going higher?
9.What was the estimated number deaths attributed to heat as calculated by looking at the difference in July 1995 deaths vs the baseline?
10.How many bodies were laid to rest in a potter’s field in August because they went unclaimed?
11.The filmmaker is enamored by the cover of the Commission’s report. Why?
12.What are the root causes or “underlying dynamics” of the heat wave that the Commission’s report and subsequent plan completely miss?
13.What weather event in late summer 2005 was another example of the systemic issues Klinenberg and the filmmaker are getting at?
14.How has Halsted corridor on the South Side changed over the 50 years?
15.What federal agency created a map in 1940 that precipitated a “slow motion disaster”? What were within the red lines/areas?
16.The filmmaker attends a disaster preparedness conference in Paducah. What are some of the questions she begins to ask and what sort of response does she get?
17.The filmmaker finds out a fundamental, and disturbing, problem with disaster preparedness, mitigation, and resilience. Funds and resources only come when? Before or after the disaster?
18.What is a food desert?
19.Fill in the missing word: It’s easier to buy a ____ around here than a tomato.
20.Ultimately, summarize the “disaster in slow motion” uncovered by the filmmaker?

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