ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS: There are 4 units. Each unit contains 2 prompts for a to

There are 4 units. Each unit contains 2 prompts for a total of 8 prompts to be answered. Address each prompt with a minimum of 4 sentences resulting in a strong paragraph that accurately answers the specific prompt.
Each paragraph should include at least 1 short quote from 1 of the assigned readings. All answers must be in paragraph form and must cite ALL sources. Citations must include at a minimum the author’s last name and page numbers (when available).
The assigned readings are contained in the following links and attachments and must be used to answer the prompts. Each link and/or attachment referenced in a prompt is provided as resource material to address the related prompt.
• UNIT 1
Prompt 1: According to chapter six of the American Yawp, how did Alexander Hamilton shape the economic program of George Washington’s presidential administration? How did those policies culminate in the Whiskey Rebellion? Imagine you could transport back to the 1790s in a time machine, would you side with Hamilton’s vision of the United States or the vision of the farmers involved in the Whiskey Rebellion?
Prompt 2: How did Gore Vidal’s retelling of the Burr-Hamilton feud depict that episode as a battle over competing notions of masculinity in early America?
• UNIT 2
Prompt 1: According to chapter seven in the American Yawp, how (and why) did the Haitian Revolution inspire challenges to slavery in the United States?
Prompt 2: How did depictions of the South in Clotel and depictions of the North in the …Adventures of Venture (Smith) illustrate regional differences between the North and the South on the question of the future of slavery?
• UNIT 3
Prompt 1: According to chapter seven in the American Yawp, how did the Jeffersonian vision for the United States clash with Tecumseh’s vision for North America? In your opinion, could those competing visions have been reconciled in a peaceful-and-nonviolent manner that produced true fairness for all people in North America?
Prompt 2: How did Andrew Jackson’s Message to Congress on Indian Removal (1830) exhibit examples of anti-Native American racism? Why did politicians like Jackson employ such anti-Native American prejudice?
• UNIT 4
Prompt 1: According to chapter eight in the American Yawp, what “push and pull” factors caused mass immigration to the United States in the 1820s, 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s? How did the diversification of the United States because of immigration incite political backlashes and riots against immigration during the 1840s and 1850s?
Prompt 2: How did Herman Melville’s “The Tartarus of Maids” describe the market revolution accurately? Did Melville seem to embrace a positive view, a negative view, or an ambivalent view of the market revolution? If you could use a time machine to transport back to the 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s, what setting would you use for a novel or short story about the market revolution? Explain.

William Wells Brown, “Clotel; or, The President’s Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States,” 1853

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