An essential component of learning is self-reflection. Taking the time to consid

An essential component of learning is self-reflection. Taking the time to consider what information has been presented, what interested you the most, how we feel about that information, and what questions are still unanswered drives us to utilize critical thinking.
For this discussion post you will write:
1. Three
After reading the assigned chapters and completing the homework identify and explain in your own words three concepts, topics, theories, etc. you learned. What was your initial reaction to each of these concepts? Did these concepts resonate with you in some personal way?
*Hint: I am looking for you to demonstrate a critical reflection about the material, not just produce a simple definition about the content.
2. Two
Identify two topics, theories, concepts, etc. you found interesting and would like to research further. How will you go about learning more about each of these topics, theories, or concepts, etc?
3. One
Identify at least one question you are still curious about after reading the chapters. This could be a postulation of whether or not a study is still relevant, a confusing concept, how a concept relates to individuals in other societies, etc. Be specific in your response.
Your paper must be ½ – 1 page in length, single-spaced, and use Times New Roman Font 12pt font. Be sure you include your name at the top of the paper. The text and other sources must be cited and referenced within your answer using APA format. Any papers submitted with reference citations will automatically lose 10% of the total points possible
Use paragraphs and complete sentences to fully explore the prompt given. The idea is to delve into your understanding of the concepts and topics being covered to gain personal knowledge.
An essential component of learning is self-reflection. Taking the time to consider what information has been presented, what interested you the most, how we feel about that information, and what questions are still unanswered drives us to utilize critical thinking.

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