Task: Read the following two articles on conducting literature reviews: Iain McM

Task: Read the following two articles on conducting literature reviews:
Iain McMenamin, Teaching Students to Review the Literature, Political Science and Politics, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Jan., 2006), pp. 133-135
Jeffrey W. Knopf , ‘Doing a Literature Review’, Political Science and Politics, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Jan., 2006)
Respond: 1: In no more than 275 words, summarise the main points of McMenamin’s article. Post your summary in the forum. Compare your summary to those of others, and post a comment reflecting on the differences between the summaries.
2: Focus on Knopf’s article: a) Summarise in bullet point form the questions that a good literature review should ask, according to Knopf.; b) explain the difference between a literature review and an annotated bibliography (concentrating on the issue of critical synthesis). Post your answers to the forum and comment on the answers provided by others.
Outcomes: To be able to distinguish the qualities of a good literature review from other summaries of existing literature.
To begin to reflect on the value of a literature review to your dissertation research.

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