Watch video

1. You need to visit at least two different links (some are websites, some are videos) and write a post providing a brief summary of each link.
2. Then provide an analysis where you compare and contrast the ways these two sites approach slavery, the white owners, and if they address issues of race or racism, and/or healing the past.


Watch Video
Whitney Plantation museum confronts painful history of slavery
Duration: 7:23
User: n/a – Added: 4/8/15

Watch Video
Magnolia Plantation Charleston, SC
Duration: 4:26
User: n/a – Added: 9/4/15

1. You need to visit at least two different links (some are websites, some are videos) and write a post providing a brief summary of each link.
2. Then provide an analysis where you compare and contrast the ways these two sites approach slavery, the white owners, and if they address issues of race or racism, and/or healing the past.


Watch Video
Whitney Plantation museum confronts painful history of slavery
Duration: 7:23
User: n/a – Added: 4/8/15

Watch Video
Magnolia Plantation Charleston, SC
Duration: 4:26
User: n/a – Added: 9/4/15

1. You need to visit at least two different links (some are websites, some are videos) and write a post providing a brief summary of each link.
2. Then provide an analysis where you compare and contrast the ways these two sites approach slavery, the white owners, and if they address issues of race or racism, and/or healing the past.


Watch Video
Whitney Plantation museum confronts painful history of slavery
Duration: 7:23
User: n/a – Added: 4/8/15

Watch Video
Magnolia Plantation Charleston, SC
Duration: 4:26
User: n/a – Added: 9/4/15
I can send the video links
1. You need to visit at least two different links (some are websites, some are videos) and write a post providing a brief summary of each link.
2. Then, provide an analysis where you compare and contrast the ways these two sites approach slavery, the white owners, and if they address issues of race or racism and/or healing the past.


Watch Video
Whitney Plantation museum confronts painful history of slavery
Duration: 7:23
User: n/a – Added: 4/8/15

Watch Video
Magnolia Plantation Charleston, SC
Duration: 4:26
User: n/a – Added: 9/4/15

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