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Module 06
Module 06 Homework Questions
Module 06 Homework Questions
Module 06 Content
This assignment contains one short essay question. You should use the knowledge gained in the readings and other assignments in this module. This is a thought questions meant to help you process information that you have been exposed to in this module and if applicable, in previous modules. You are encouraged to use outside sources, but you must use citations to show where you obtained the information. This is an untimed assignment. You only havThis assignment contains one short essay question. You should use the knowledge gained in the readings and other assignments in this module. This is a thought questions meant to help you process information that you have been exposed to in this module and if applicable, in previous modules. You are encouraged to use outside sources, but you must use citations to show where you obtained the information. This is an untimed assignment. You only have one opportunity to complete this assignment.
Reading one of the following articles before starting this quiz can help you with your answer.
Will Nanotechnology Bring New Hope for Gene Delivery? Wong, Joanna KL; Mohseni, Rashin; Amir Ali Hamidieh; MacLaren, Robert E; Nagy, Habib; et al. Trends in Biotechnology; Oxford Vol. 35, Iss. 5, (May 1, 2017): 434-451. DOI:10.1016/j.tibtech.2016.12.009
Application of nanotechnology in plant growth and crop protection: A review. Molecules, 24(14), 2558. Shang, Y., Hasan, M. K., Ahammed, G. J., Li, M., Yin, H., & Zhou, J. (2019).
Note: By starting this exam you agree to abide by the Academic Misconduct Policy set forth in the course syllabus. You acknowledge that your failure to do so could result in being expelled from the course.
Question 1
15 Points
Genetic information has become part of our culture and it is difficult to tell the difference between unmodified and genetically modified food sources such as plant and animals. After reading this module’s material regarding vectors in biotechnology, consider the potential for nanotechnology and scientific advancement.Research nanotechnology and its potential use in biotechnology. In one or two paragraphs, explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology in health care, agriculture, or industry and discuss whether you would or would not support further research.

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