hello, so this paper is going to be graded as my final exam so i really need you

hello, so this paper is going to be graded as my final exam so i really need you to pay close attention to the files i
upload for you as well as the directions. Please and Thank you.
This paper consists of 6 pages in the pdf it tells you exactly how the paper should be structured…
As for the opening page, dont worry about the “introducing yourself what major u chose and career goals” i will
write that myself. Start the paper off, with the second bullet point under Opening Page “Discuss how much you knew about HIV/AIDS ” just your knowledge on what you know about it…
Under the Section ‘The Main Body of the Paper’ …
thats where were going to use examples of the film or film reflections just base it on 3 (theres more films my prof
provided for us but just focus on 3 i dont want you to drag it) and follow the bullet points for the rest of the outline for this paper. If you have any questions. Please let me know. As i know this is a lot.
The links to the films is below:
HIV The Neglected Pandemic – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c500I15gLho
The Lazarus Effect – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l16YH6xCN4c
Darling! The Pieter Dirk-Uys Story – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEuLFlvX-KE

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