Written Assignment 6 (with LinkedIn Activity) Read the articles by Doyle, Linake

Written Assignment 6 (with LinkedIn Activity)
Read the articles by Doyle, Linaker, and Zhang. Then do the following (two parts):
Create your own professional online profile, suitable for LinkedIn. Limit your profile to only three of the areas discussed by Zhang: headline, summary, and experience. Follow the advice of Zhang and or other sources for each.
2. In a separate document of up to 300 words, explain the principles you followed in creating your profile and discuss the advantages of social media networking through a professional profile like the one you have created.
Your profile and the separate document should be concise and clearly written, with a tone appropriate for a professional setting. Before submitting, read over your profile to be sure the writing is clear, with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Submit both documents through the Written Assignment 6 link.
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