Topic Choice #1: Exploring the Dimensions of Art Therapy Your reading and module

Topic Choice #1: Exploring the Dimensions of Art Therapy
Your reading and module notes have outlined art therapy as a relatively recent and progressive approach in the counseling profession. This method is especially important for young people who may not have the written or verbal skills to articulate their experiences and engage in traditional “talk therapy” approaches. Your job in the discussion below will be to succinctly define the key characteristics of art therapy and then apply them to a hypothetical family scenario.
Before engaging in the discussion activity, please read/view:
Buchanan, V. (2016). Art Therapy: Programs, Uses and Benefits. Nova.
(Links to an external site.)
Chapter 1: Researching the Healing Aspects of Creative Expression: Challenging Assumptions and Integrating Fact into Practice
Kuban, C. (2015). Healing trauma through art(Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)
[PDF, File Size 1.9 MB]. Reclaiming Children & Youth, 24(2), 18–20.
Films on Demand. (2013, June). Fearing Psychotherapy(Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)
[Video file] [2 min 7 sec]. Breakthrough: Art, Analysis, and Liberation of the Creative Spirit.
Then respond to the following questions:
On the basis of the above content, please describe what you think are the three most important characteristics of art therapy. Please be specific and cite the appropriate content in your response.
Consider the following scenario: you are an art therapist and are treating a child for an unknown, but serious, trauma. Through the process of art therapy, you now suspect that the child has been sexually abused by a family member. As a therapist, what are the professional and ethical obligations you have in both treating this child and responding to the dysfunction in his or her family?

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