Posts must be responsive to a fellow student’s original post. In these posts, th

Posts must be responsive to a fellow student’s original post. In these posts, the goal is to expand, supplement, contrast, or distinguish the main points from the student’s original post or the professor’s post. Post must be no LESS THAN 150 words and no MORE THAN 250 words.
Citations are not required unless post contains material from a source. If so, then a properly formatted citation (APA or Bluebook) is required.
The entire post must be original, in student’s own words. Any copied content from any source will result in a zero.
Geoffrey Beere
5/26/22, 11:56 PM
Week Three – Post Three
Chapter Eleven – Stating the Issue
There are two different ways to state the issue in a case. One way is by using “shorthand” or by making a “broad statement.” The “shorthand” method states the issue briefly without including the specific facts or law. The “shorthand” or “broad statement” method of stating the issue is commonly used when the listeners already know the facts, as well as the law, that applies to the case. This particular manner of stating the issue is not considered to be effective nor is it proper for use in legal research and writing.
The other way of stating the issue in a case is called the “comprehensive or narrow statement of the issue”. This approach to stating the issue combines all of the elements: the specific law, legal questions, and key facts into one complete sentence. It provides a thorough view of all aspects so that the reader is able to understand the type of dispute. Phrasing the issue “comprehensively” is very helpful to the reader as it leads a person conducting research to the exact area of law that is involved in the dispute. There is no time wasted in having to weed through different areas of the law until the correct area is found. In addition, when forming an issue in this manner, and using it in a brief or even an interoffice memorandum, having all of the pertinent information right in front of the person, makes their job a lot easier. Instead of having to start from scratch, the reader is already one step ahead of the game. There is no doubt that the “comprehensive or narrow statement of the issue” technique is the better of the two.

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