– In terms of length, the essay should be about four standard-length paragraphs.

– In terms of length, the essay should be about four standard-length paragraphs.
– Save time: do not include an introduction or conclusion.
– Please write the answers to each question separately
– Dont need sources or quotes, just explanations
1) How was postwar optimism challenged by the so-called “Long Seventies?” First, discuss
what President Jimmy Carter meant when spoke of a national “crisis of confidence” in 1979;
particularly, explain the constitutive emotions and their causes, according to Carter. Second,
identify the historical events and developments that contributed to that pessimistic national mood
during the 1970s, and explain how each development and its legacies fed into this negative
2) How did conservative politicians revamp America’s government, economy, and foreign
policy during the 1980s? First, describe in detail both “Reaganomics” and late-Cold War U.S.
foreign policy: their philosophies as well as the policies and practices that were essential for their
implementation. Second, explain the chief legacies of the so-called “Reagan Revolution” for
American history.

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