I need 2(100)word responses to the following discussion posts DP#1:What does a p

I need 2(100)word responses to the following discussion posts
DP#1:What does a proper standard of care mean to you?
To me a proper standard of care is dependent on the circumstances. But in a general sense it is giving the care that is appropriate given the case and the patient. Doing no less than any other care giver would in the same set of circumstances with the same resources. In the article by Moffett and Moore (2011) they talk about standard of care and its history. They give examples of malpractice cases where the physicians standard of care has been challenged. It is a hard subject to qualify as there is no true definition and is often based on a judge and jury’s opinion as to what a good standard of care should be.
What factors could lead to underserved populations not experiencing the proper standard of care?
I think that when considering the underserved populations, the lack of a base definition of the standard of care causes them to often be mistreated or to not be treated at all. When they seek care, it is often at a clinic where the staff are underpaid and often overworked. The standard of care is lower given the lack of resources these clinics often have. If the same patient were to go to another clinic in a better area, one with more funding, the standard of care would be higher, and they would get better care. It is often a case of location and financing that determines a standard of care.
Moffett, P., & Moore, G. (2011). The standard of care: legal history and definitions: the bad and good news. The western journal of emergency medicine, 12(1), 109–112.
DP#2:Good afternoon, professor and classmates.
First glance, I believed I knew exactly what it meant to me. Taking a step back and analyzing it from a Healthcare Administrator side- it became quite different. Realizing that there is not a “cookie cutter” formula to what is a proper standard of care. It is more along the lines of a provider stating – would someone with my exact same credentials choose a treatment similar in the best interest of the patient. So that would be my answer of what I believe to be proper- treatment for a patient that is in line with the normal protocols of a majority of qualified physicians.
With speaking of the factors that could lead to “underserved” populations not receiving the same level of standard care. First and foremost – education. The education within the medical field to make sound decisions and understand if something should not be happening. I also believe that financial resources play a part as well. It should not be this way but often Physicians can become to the demographic of patient that utilizes free healthcare but consistently arrives with complaint for treatment. So financial resources and lack of education on healthcare, would be the factors that could affect proper standard of care.
Moffett, P., & Moore, G. (2011). The Standard of Care: Legal History and Definitions: The Bad and Good news. The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 12(1), 109–112.
The original assignment:Topic: Standard of Care
What does a proper standard of care mean to you? What factors could lead to underserved populations not experiencing the proper standard of care?

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