Discussion/Response Post #2 CH2 DP3: Think and write about the following related

Discussion/Response Post #2 CH2
DP3: Think and write about the following related planning to have a child (answer just one):
Women: Your physical condition prior to and becoming pregnant—how will you take care of and prepare your body for conception? Address nutrition, physical shape, drugs, alcohol, smoking, and other environmental stressors. What might be your health care plans (physician, midwife, etc.)? What kind of labor and delivery experience do you want (hospital versus home delivery)? Who will you want with you during this time? What postpartum situation do you anticipate? How might you prepare yourself to be an exceptional mother?
Men: Your physical condition prior to conception—address nutrition, physical shape, drugs, alcohol, smoking, and other environmental stressors. How do you plan to support the mother during pregnancy? Labor and delivery? Postpartum? Were you surprised to read of the important role fathers play in this extensive process? How might you prepare yourself to be an exceptional father?
Santrock, J. W. (2022). Essentials of lifespan development (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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