125 word response to: Four major hormones of pregnancy, describe a woman’ s bodi

125 word response to:
Four major hormones of pregnancy, describe a woman’ s bodily adaptations to pregnancy
Human chorionic gonadotropin, progesterone, and human chorionic somatomammotropin are the hormones that have the greatest influence on a pregnancy. A good indicator of the well-being of the fetus is the level of these hormones in the mother’s blood throughout her pregnancy (Saladin,2021). The blastocysts and the placenta produce human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The presence of this hormone is the basis for a pregnancy test, which can be performed at home up to nine days after compensation. Around 10 to 12 weeks, HCG secretion peaks and then gradually drops for the rest of the pregnancy (Saladin,2021). Several times during the pregnancy, beta HCG levels will be checked to confirm a healthy pregnancy. Occasionally, high levels of beta-HCG may be observed during twin pregnancies or in certain types of cancer (Medicinenet.com). The amount of estrogen secreted by the end of gestation nearly triples. Estrogen is primarily produced by the placenta and the corpus luteum for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. As the placenta converts androgens into estrogens, the adrenal glands secrete androgens in the mother and fetus. In pregnancy, estriol is the most abundant estrogen; however, it affects our bodies weakly, whereas estradiol is less abundant, but 100 times as potent (Saladin,2021). As well as producing estrogen, the placenta raises hormone levels during pregnancy. The presence of estrogen in your body facilitates the formation of new blood vessels in your uterus and the transfer of nutrients to your baby (Allibone,2020). In early pregnancy, both the placenta and the corpus luteum secrete large amounts of progesterone. By suppressing uterine contractions, progesterone prevents premature expulsion of the conceptus. In addition to preventing menstruation, it encourages the proliferation of decidual cells of the endometrium, on which the blastocyst feeds (Saladin,2021). Several times more Chorionic Somatomammotropin is created in the body than all other hormones combined, yet little is known about its function. In proportion to the size of the placenta, HCS production begins around the fifth week and increases steadily until term (Saladin,2021). As a woman’s body goes through nine months of pregnancy, she undergoes many changes. Several physical changes occur during pregnancy, such as an expanding belly and weight gain, while others are well known, such as morning sickness, backaches, and an enlarged uterus (Nierenberg,2015)
125 word response to:The zygote’s mix of sex chromosomes is the starting point for the distinction (Saladin, P.9, pg,1009). Our cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes in the majority of cases (Saladin, P.9, pg,1009). A sex chromosome can be either a large X chromosome or a little X chromosome (Saladin, P.9, pg,1009). Although every egg has an x chromosome, half of the sperm have an X and the other half have a Y (Saladin, P.9, pg,1009). When an egg is fertilized with X-bearing sperm, a XX zygote is produced, which is destined to become a girl (Saladin, P.9, pg,1009). If it generates an XY zygote, which is destined to be a male, when fertilized with Y-bearing sperm (Saladin, P.9, pg,1009). As a result, a child’s sex is determined at conception, not by the mother’s egg, but by the fertilizing agent (Saladin, P.9, pg,1009). However, sex determination does not end with fertilization (Saladin, P.10, pg,1010). It necessitates a symbiotic relationship between the mother’s DNA and the fetus’s hormones (Saladin, P.10, pg,1010). “Dad’s sperm determines whether a baby will be born as a boy or a girl. About half of his sperm will make a boy and half a girl. The sex of the baby depends on which sperm gets to the egg first” (Amy Johnson, 2012).
Critical thinking
To break it down and make it easier for you guys to understand, even though it’s self-explanatory, and I’m sure many of you know this already, but women have the chromosomes XX and male chromosome have the chromosome XY. The sperm carries X and Y chromosomes so the guy is what determines the sex of the baby. I already knew that the sperm determines the sex of the baby, but there’s a little more to it.

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