You are a film critic and are assigned to critique three films that are part of

You are a film critic and are assigned to critique three films that are part of a series and/or trilogy. You must give a well-rounded critical review of the film see below for specific elements to discuss). Do NOT write a synopsis of each film. Writing a synopsis is not analyzing the films, it is merely reciting the plot.
Aspects to discuss in your paper:
Compare the cinematography or shot types in each of the three films.
How do all the films appear visually?
Compare design aspects (lighting, costume, makeup, set design) between all three films. Did the design change or shift at all?
Do all three films fit into the series and/or trilogy? Do any of them feel out of place?
Who or what is narrating the films? Does the narration change as you move on to the next film in the series?
Do they form a cohesive story as a whole?
Did any of the characters change? Were any actors replaced for a different actor? How did this affect the films?
If the films are stretched out over a long series of time, how did this expanse affect the series/trilogy?
Would you cut any of the films? Would you recast any of the characters?
You may critique any additional aspects of film or film techniques discussed in this course when comparing these
You may critique any additional aspects of film

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