Write follow the prompts Reflect Reflect: Pick one of the goals in our YEC artic

Write follow the prompts
Pick one of the goals in our YEC article attached below and creatively express an anti-ableism activity that you could use with young children or their families. Feel free to expand upon some of the activities suggested. How would this activity promote inclusion?
Engage: Connect your reflection with references to Undoing Ableism Ch. 8 attached below. The discussion questions may guide those connections (don’t feel like you need to answer them directly, they’re just starting points):
How has collective action led to legal changes protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities?
How did people (e.g. person with disabilities, peers, families, teachers) discuss their beliefs about disability? How were (or were not) the voices of the people with disabilities included?
What are some challenges of inclusion and how might you approach these issues?
How does inclusion contribute to positive shifts in the individual, cultural, and institutional construction of disability in schools?
Engage: Connect your reflection with references to Undoing Ableism Ch. 7 attached below and Who Cares About Kelsey(https://whocaresaboutkelsey.com/about/the-film/). The discussion questions may guide those connections (don’t feel like you need to answer them directly or answer them all, they’re just starting points):
What is reification and why is this concept important in thinking about disability?
How does Kelsey talk and understand her disability, medication, and the role of her complex history and life?
Kelsey is diagnosed with ADHD and Emotional Behavioral Disability. Think about the pages about disproportionality and intersectionality – how do you think Kelsey’s identity as a white female influenced how people responded to her behaviors?
How can schools enact anti-ableist practices to address mental health and emotional and behavioral disabilities in school?

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