So for this assignment I want you to answer this question but the answer has to

So for this assignment I want you to answer this question but the answer has to be based on the answer I did for the other part to the project question. Pleasd answer the final question only I put it in bold for u
Here is the answer and question so you can use this answer to help you with this question.
Final project part 4 question : describe how you would educate others in the health care environment on the policy change you would like to make?
final project part 4 answer: I could educate others in the health care environment on the policies that I would like to change is by hosting meetings and discuss the changes , and ask for everyones feedback base on the changes. When your explaining change to your faculty members you want to start with 5 W’s, which is the Who, what , why ,where and how. Communicate on what the new policies are by stating what will occur, how people will be involved, what is generally anticipated from employees. We can also have the patients partake in surveys when they are either discharged or checking in, to see if these policies are up to not only our stranded but for the patients because we are changing the health care environment for a better place for them as well.
Here is The final question : identify cultural and practical barriers to implementing your plan?

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