Psychology is the scientific study of human experience, and that makes the conte

Psychology is the scientific study of human experience, and that makes the content of psychology deeply personal. As you learned, we all unique individuals with diverse perspectives and it’s valuable to reflect on your own unique experience and learning as we conclude this course. For your final essay, I want to know:
What do you consider to be the most important ideas from General Psychology that you will take with you after this class is complete? In constructing your response to this question, do each of the following:
Step 1:
Identify the five most important things you learned in this course. Rank order them so the most important is number 1, the second most important is number 2, and so on.
For each of those important things, explain what the concept is, and explain why it is important to you. An “important thing” could be a concept — think bold-faced term — or a research finding, or a topic we discussed in class. Please do not list entire chapters.

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