Prompt: The Categorical Imperative According to Kantian deontology, there is one

Prompt: The Categorical Imperative
According to Kantian deontology, there is one supreme moral duty, which Kant calls the “Categorical Imperative.” In this essay, please do the following:
State the Categorical Imperative in both the Universal Law and Formula of Humanity versions.
In your own words, explain what you believe these formulations of the Categorical Imperative mean.
Then, please consider the following two cases and apply the Universal Law and the Formula of Humanity to determine whether the agents in these cases are or are not acting permissibly (i.e., are they violating the Categorical Imperative?). Do you agree with the Kantian verdict in these cases? Why or why not?
Case 1: Tinder Profiles
Rodrigo is a young man and he wants to meet a young woman for a casual hook-up, which, he hopes, will evolve into a sexual relationship. He sets up a Tinder account to achieve this goal. In order to make himself attractive to potential dates, Rodrigo decides to make his profile look as good as he can. He photoshops his head onto a picture of a much more muscular and tall man and uses that doctored photo as his profile picture. Rodrigo is not interested in art or French movies and he is not interested in a serious, long-term relationship; however, he writes in his bio that he’s a very sensitive artsy guy, with a deep love for French cinema, and a desire to settle down with “the right one” to start a family. Rodrigo is messaged by Lailah, a young woman who responds positively to Rodrigo’s profile. They agree to go on a date.
Case 2: Wedding Cakes
Nour is a baker who designs custom cakes. Nour is very talented and her cakes are highly prized. She specializes in making wedding cakes and people from all over the country seek her elegant cakes to add charm and a touch of class to their wedding celebrations. Nour is, however, a devout Muslim and, in accordance with orthodox Islamic teaching, she believes homosexual relationships are strictly haram (i.e., forbidden by the will of God). She believes homosexual relationships are immoral and this is a non-negotiable point for her. Laurel and Elaine are lesbians in a long-term relationship. They want to get married and they would like Nour to make one of her beautiful cakes for their wedding. Nour firmly, but politely, refuses to make a custom cake for Laurel and Elaine, on the grounds that she does not want to use her artistic talents in support of what she believes to be a sinful activity. She offers Laurel and Elaine a different cake from her store, one which she did not custom-decorate herself.
Be as concrete and clear as possible. This is an open-ended question. I am trying to test your understanding of the Kantian approach to ethics and you should compose your answer to reflect your understanding. I want to see philosophizing! Please feel free to cite our textbooks and Kant’s Groundwork.
this is the rubic
Analytic Essay (1)
Analytic Essay (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Basics of Essay Writing
5 to >2.5 pts
Your paper fully responds to the prompt(s); meets or comes reasonably close to the minimum word count, contains a clear thesis statement, explains and evaluates required arguments, and engages with and cites three sources.
2.5 to >0 pts
Needs work
Your paper contains one or more of the following flaws: falls far below minimum word count, lacks a clear thesis statement, fails to explain and/or evaluate one or more of the arguments, and/or does not cite required sources.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Explain the Nature of the Controversial Topic
20 to >17.0 pts
Your paper demonstrates deep understanding of the complexity of the topic through clear, correct, and detailed explanation of Kantian deontology, the Categorical Imperative (in both the Universal Law and Formula of Humanity versions) and the issues relevant to the deciding the ethical controversy from these perspectives. Your paper includes vivid, original examples to illustrate key points, and may describe and clarify possible misunderstandings.
17 to >10.0 pts
You correctly explain Kantian deontology, the Categorical Imperative (in both the Universal Law and Formula of Humanity versions). You clearly define key terms and concepts. You made a few errors regarding the application of Kantian theory to the case.
10 to >0 pts
Needs work
Your paper contains serious errors or gaps in its explanation or lacks enough detail (in its explanations or examples) to demonstrate competent understanding. The nature of the controversy is unclear; how Kantian theory applies is unclear; key terms left undefined.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Explain Your Own Position
20 to >17.0 pts
Your paper includes an exceptionally clear statement of your opinion on your controversial topic, supports your opinion by reference to a clear ethical principle, and you defend the principle by showing its plausibility. Your paper contains clear, well-developed and compelling arguments, and you illustrate your claims with original, compelling examples. Overall, your paper demonstrates independent thinking rather than just repeating ideas from course materials.
17 to >10.0 pts
Your paper states your opinion about the controversial topic, supports your opinion by reference to an ethical principle, and includes some defense of that principle. You use examples to illustrate and support your key claims.
10 to >0 pts
Needs work
Your paper contains one or more of the following flaws: it does not clearly state your opinion, does not support it by reference to an ethical principle, or uses inconsistent or weak reasoning (e.g., commits identifiable fallacies, fails to provide argumentative support for key premises, etc.)
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics of Writing
5 to >2.5 pts
Your writing is easy to read and understand. Overall the essay flows well and is not just a list of notes or thoughts.
2.5 to >0 pts
Needs work
Your writing contains significant errors in grammar or spelling that hinder understanding. It might also lack clear structure, or read like a hodgepodge of ideas.
5 pts
Total Points: 50

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