The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger PDF of Novel: https://www.uzickagimnazij

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
PDF of Novel:
(Can you complete the questions for Chapters 1-2 and 3 in 4 hours)
Ch. 1-2
Find an example of Holden offering his opinion on anything that you think reveals something about him as a person.
Write a brief quote with a page number and then explain what your think it reveals about Holden in several sentences.
Ch. 3
How would you describe Holden’s relation to Ackley in this chapter?
Write out a brief quote with a page number and then explain what you think it reveals about Holden and his relationship with Ackley in several sentences.
Ch. 4-5
Why do you think Holden responds to Stradlater in kind and unkind ways in these chapters? What could be his motivation?
Provide a brief quote with a page number and then explain what you think it reveals about Holden’s actions and motivations.
Why do you think Holden gets into a physical altercation in these chapters? Think about Holden’s attitudes and behaviors for explanations that may not be the explicit reason for the fight.
Provide a brief quote with a page number and then explain what you think it reveals about Holden’s actions and motivations.
Ch. 8-9
What do you think Holden is looking for as he reaches out to different people after leaving Pencey? Why? (Pick one example using your quote.)
Provide a brief quote with a page number and then explain what you think it reveals about Holden’s actions and motivations.
Diction and Tone Analysis
From Page:
We always had the same meal on Saturday nights at Pencey. It was supposed to be a big deal, because they gave you steak. I’ll bet a thousand bucks the reason they did that was because a lot of guys’ parents came up to school on Sunday, and old Thurmer probably figured everybody’s mother would ask their darling boy what he had for dinner last night, and he’d say, “Steak.” What a racket. You should’ve seen the steaks. They were these little hard, dry jobs that you could hardly even cut. You always got these very lumpy mashed potatoes on steak night, and for dessert you got Brown Betty, which nobody ate, except maybe the little kids in the lower school that didn’t know any better– and guys like Ackley that ate everything.
It was nice, though, when we got out of the dining room. There were about three inches of snow on the ground, and it was still coming down like a madman. It looked pretty as hell, and we all started throwing snowballs and horsing around all over the place. It was very childish, but everybody was really enjoying themselves.
1. What is Holden’s tone toward what he is describing in each paragraph? Briefly explain how the words reveal a different attitude for each paragraph.
2. Why do you think Holden’s tone shifts?

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