Social Exchange Theory

Film: The great Hack
Name of The Company: Cambridge Analytica
The Great Hack is a documentary on the use of personal data in election campaigns on social media. Much of it was recounted through allusions to Brittany Kaiser, a Cambridge Analytica employee, and David Carroll, a lawyer who was fighting for personal data rights.
The tremendous potential of social media to connect people is now being used to manipulate individuals. Personal information is utilized to target groups of potential voters with visually appealing content that may be approved and shared, making it more difficult to trace back to its source.
Use the following theories to analyze the case study:
Social Exchange Theory- The theories will add to the aspects provided by the social exchange theory, which will help us better explain the relationship presented in our group’s upcoming case study.
Organizational identification and control- In the instance of CA data on friends and friends of friends, data was acquired on persons who had not even engaged in the behavior that prompted the data scrape. The data is used to infer attitudes and personality structures, which are then used to feed information to those individuals that is tailored particularly to the inferred personality structure, with opposing information being excluded.

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