
The purpose of the research paper is for you to explore, in more depth than is possible in class, theories of group and individual behavior, related to the human side of management including leadership, group decision-making, motivation, personality, and performance. FOR PART 1, YOU WILL BE DOING A THEORETICAL REVIEW TO UNDERSTAND “ANGER, ANIMOSITY”. Namely, what sociological, psychological, anthropological theory can explain ANGER/ANIMOSITY and what articles have you found of other scholarly research that gives examples of this flaw of management. (See below for more detail)

What I am looking for here is more than just an accumulation of information. Rather, I am looking for you to read, learn and understand the social characteristics often found in managers.those characteristics that impede optimal management. You will each need to embark on external research on the organizational behavior, sociology and psychology theories that can explain five common flaws of management:  and then explain what theory applies to that characteristic/flaw, why it applies and then give an example from the research of a social situation where this theory was studied. In essence, you are explaining causality, justifying the behavior observed by using theory.  

For this project you will be asked to do external research of Management principles and concepts using a minimum of 10 current scholarly peer-reviewed articles FROM 2016-2022. In addition, you are to interview or meet with other professors in Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and ask them to help you explore related or applicable theories.

Expected deliverables include the following:


  • A 4   page  (MAX) paper on each of the 5 Flaws due to be uploaded on Canvas (see course schedule for due dates). Should include the following:
    • What the flaw is (1 paragraph)
    • A description of the flaw (1 paragraph),
    • the name and descriptions of 2 scholarly theories related to the flaw that can explain it (found in external sources of scholarly work) (1 page for each theory),
    • examples of these theories taken from the scholarly work (1 page),
    • how it applies to our current topic(s) we are learning in class at the moment (1 page).
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