Is taxation fair or unfair?

For this first essay, your job will be to choose the side of the Rogerian argument that you more closely align with, but it must be a side that can be backed by solid research (dont rely on peoples opinions as your evidence). You will be taking a stance on this issue, informing the reader of the social significance as well as the logic behind this stance on the issue. The goal is to convince your audience but in a way that is as unbiased as possible. This will be done through researching and evaluating evidence of those who represent this position and discussing how their support strengthens your argument.

  • This essay must be 4-5 pages (approximately 1000-1250 words) in length and adhere to MLA format. Your Works Cited page does not count towards the minimum page requirement.
  • Your essay needs an introduction (with a strong and cohesive thesis), body section, and conclusion, and it should be well-organized
  • You must integrate information (through summary, quotations, or paraphrases) from at least FOUR reputable sources. All outside sources need to be appropriately documented in your paper, as a correctly formatted Works Cited page and in-text citations will be required.
  • First-person and second-person pronouns are not allowed. Stay in third-person point of view.

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