Agent of Change for mental health on students

Thepurpose of this essay is to help develop your critical analysis skills andunderstanding of your chosen global health issue at both the local and globallevels, as well as an Agent of Change who has been involved in mental health across university students. This paper will critically discuss (not simplysummarize) the health issue at both local and global levels, unpacking a clearand holistic understanding of the health issue.

  • Subheadings 1-3 in whatever order you choose (each will be approximately 4-7 paragraphs in a paper of this length):
    • A Note on Subheadings: You may decide to structure these in your own way thats fine! Academic writing is infused with individuality and creativity and this is what differentiates each paper from the next, even when the papers are on the same/similar topics. You can structure your subheadings in several different ways this is just an example. An academic paper can also have as many subheadings (and even sub-sub headings) as required! Boot that hamburger model out the door.
      • 1. [Identify your analytic perspective of the health issue at the local level using a creative subheading that reflects the aim of the section] In this section, you will provide an analytic deep-dive into Page 9 of 17 the local-level health issue, its holistic causes (i.e., moving beyond biomedical/allopathic and understanding the structural, economic, political, environmental, institutional, and other causes and their impacts on the ground)
      • 2. [Identify your analytic perspective of the health issue at the global level using a creative subheading that reflects the aim of the section] In this section, you will provide an analytic deep-dive into the global-level health issue, its holistic causes (i.e., moving beyond biomedical/allopathic and understanding the structural, economic, political, environmental, institutional, and other causes and their impacts on the ground)
      • 3. [Identify the Agent of Change and your analytic perspective on their work on the health issue and the significance of their work] In this section, you will provide the results of your in-depth investigation into your Agent of Change where did they and their work originate? What inspired them to work on this health issue? How did they get involved? How did they stay involved? Why did they stay involved? Have they added a new or critical perspective to solutions for the health issue and the local and global levels? Note: if this is your first subheading, then tie in the themes you find here to your second and third subheading content. Note: look for interviews, lectures, documentaries, podcasts, news articles, blogs that the person has given or written to try to understand their perspective and work.
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