[What are the reasons for so many working mothers? What are the potential effect

[What are the reasons for so
many working mothers? What are the potential effects on children? On society?]
Choose one of the following topics and develop a 750-1000-word essay using the cause-effect
pattern of analysis. Your essay must have a relevant, significant point appropriate for a broad
readership. Remember to create a strong, precise thesis that indicates a cause-effect claim, and
use a clear topic sentence to begin each paragraph. A final note: This should be an original
analysis. Do NOT go out to the internet (or elsewhere) and merely parrot someone else’s causal
analysis. You should do your own thinking and draw your own conclusions according to the
process you’ve read about in your Longman reader chapter on this type of writing. It is fine if you
feel a need to research specific information to develop and support your analysis, but you must
not simply borrow someone else’s analysis (even if you document it clearly). The whole idea of a
cause-effect essay is for a writer to do original thinking and analysis.

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