We visit websites everyday; however, we rarely question how websites work at a f

We visit websites everyday; however, we rarely question how websites work at a fundamental level or what “http” and “https” at the beginning of a website address stand for. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol which is used for providing services to users (browser and web server). Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secured (HTTPS) is not opposite of HTTP but can be considered as an extension of HTTP. The main purpose of HTTP is to receive requests and deliver contents on the worldwide web; HTTPS works the same, in addition, the transmitted data is encrypted. Being able to understand HTTP and HTTPS will help us to protect ourselves from internet attackers.
Using these sources to explain with diagrams how the HTTP and HTTPS applications are used to communicate between the processes.  What other layers are used in the transport? What services does the application layer protocol provide?
Resources cited need to be no older than 5 years. You can find extra sources if you need.
At least 3 pictures or diagrams need to be included.  If copying pictures, be sure to cite where the picture/diagram source. 

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