Video Link: Be sure to watch the ENT

Video Link:
Be sure to watch the ENTIRE movie (1.5 hours). Cite the movie in the paper itself as a source and reference it at the end using APA format. See the Where to Get Help link for assistance. APA, spelling, and grammar count! Please double space your paper.
Please note the paper should be no more than 2-3 pages and divided into three sections: HIV (Vietnam), Lack of Education (Mali), and Economic Hardship (Bosnia). Answer the first three questions about each topic:
What did you learn about __________ and how it impacts women world-wide?
List social, economic, and cultural factors shown in the movie that influence _______________.(You may need to consult other sources for this information)
How does ____________ appear to impact the physical and emotional well-being of women?
And then… answer the last two questions about the film in general:
Which effort did you most admire in the movie to overcome these challenges? Why? 
What will you take away from this movie: How will it affect how you see things in the future and What will you change?

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