Unit 7 Assignment: Creating Select Queries Outcomes addressed in this activity:

Unit 7 Assignment: Creating Select Queries
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
Unit Outcomes:
Describe simple SELECT statements with one table.
Use SELECT statements to retrieve data from one table.
Course Outcome:
IT163-4: Use Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage data.
You will practice using SQL in the Access environment. You will examine data from a sample database using simple, single table select queries.
Assignment Instructions
Using the model car sample database provided, create queries to demonstrate a variety of simple, single table select query functionality to include selecting more than one field, using the where clause, using alias’, working with dates, sorting and using relational and logical operators.
Open the sample database.
For this assignment you will use this sample database: IT163_ModelCarSampleDatabase.accdb
Create the five queries as detailed below. You may create these queries using the query design view or you may manually write the SQL code in the SQL view.
a. Select the Company field from the Customers table.
Save as QueryA. Run the query to see the subset of data produced. Verify that the results are correct.
Reference: Alexander, M., & Kusleika, D. (2019). Access 2019 bible. Wiley.
Chapter 8: “Selecting Data with Queries / Creating a Query / Working with Query Fields / Adding Criteria to Your Queries / Saving a Query”
b. Modify QueryA to sort the output in alphabetical order.
Save as QueryB. Run the query to see the subset of data produced. Verify that the results are correct.
Reference: Alexander, M., & Kusleika, D. (2019). Access 2019 bible. Wiley.
c. Select the Description, Cost and QtyInStock fields from the Products table for all records with category “Trucks.” Sort by cost from lowest to highest cost.
Save as QueryC. Run the query to see the subset of data produced. Verify that the results are correct.
Reference: Alexander, M., & Kusleika, D. (2019). Access 2019 bible. Wiley.
Chapter 8: “Selecting Data with Queries / Creating a Query / Working with Query Fields / Adding Criteria to Your Queries / Saving a Query”
d. Select the OrigCustDate, FirstName, and LastName from the Contacts table for all records with the state of Texas (“TX”) and OrigCustDate of January 1, 2013 or later. Display first and last name together as Customer Name.
Save as QueryD. Run the query to see the subset of data produced. Verify that the results are correct.
Reference: Alexander, M., & Kusleika, D. (2019). Access 2019 bible. Wiley.
Chapter 9: “Using Operators and Expressions in Access / Introducing Operators / Using Operators and Expressions in Queries / Using Multiple Criteria in a Query / Entering Criteria in Multiple Fields”
e. Select the Company, CurrentBalance and State from the Customers table for all records with a current balance greater than zero and a state of New York or Connecticut. Sort by CurrentBalance from highest to smallest value.
Save as QueryE. Run the query to see the subset of data produced. Verify that the results are correct.
Document your results for submission.
In a Word document, copy each of the questions from above in BOLD. After each question, place the SQL code. After the SQL code, place a screenshot of the successful execution from Access showing the correct results were garnered when you ran each query. Start a new page for each question.
Hint: you can copy your SQL code as plain text from the SQL view. Right-click your query and choose SQL View or use the View option from the ribbon.
Example Query Output:
Assignment Requirements
Submit a single Word document with all of the documentation for each query as described in the assignment instructions.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Submit the completed document to the Unit 7 Assignment Dropbox by the deadline. Save the file as: IT163_Unit7_Lastname.docx.
Review the rubric before beginning this activity.

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