This writing assignment is a CRITICAL THINKING exercise designed to allow the st

This writing assignment is a CRITICAL THINKING exercise designed to allow the student an opportuntiy to demonstrate their ability to assess the author’s work specifically. Your paper should be a direct review of one or the other author’s work provided below. A well constructed article critique demonstrates your ability to interpret relevant information and gives me a clear look at your writing style and ability. Please keep your writing style formal or scientific. Papers written very informally or in “speak” as it is also known will be graded more stringently for grammar content. To clarify, informal errors include phrases such as “due to the fact that…”, “it is like who knows”, “the 4th of May”, and “the paper is (was) very good”.
You have been given two recent airline industry related articles (below) to choose from. Please stay with one of these two article this week. In week three, the class will be asked to accomplish another critique of the same length using an article found in academic databases such as ProQuest, LexisNexus and InfoTrac, etc.
A typical paper should be approximately 350 plus or minus 50 words; papers submitted below these amounts will lose up to 10 points. To make this as structured as possible, please follow the following guideline: All papers should include an APA formatted title (cover) and reference page, no commercially produced preformatted designs will be accepted. I’ve also posted a pair of PowerPoint slides to illustrate a formatted Cover page and Reference page in Doc Sharing. Please do not be surprised if I’m fairly tough on formatting, particularly if I can see no effort was made to review the Doc Sharing examples.
The APA presentation in the Writing Help! section is an excellent reference resource. The running header must be in compliance with APA 6th Edition. It should be very easy to use the Purdue OWL or many collegiate sites found via Google or Yahoo searches. The paper should be created using Microsoft Word and written in double-spaced, 12-pitch, Times New Roman or Arial font with one-inch margins. The paper should have at least three paragraphs, introduction, body, and conclusion. Please indent the first word of each new paragraph and do not include additional blank spaces between paragraphs. Citiations should be kept to an absolute minimum due to the short length of the assignment. No pictures, graphs or diagrams are allowed in this assignment.
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