This paper should be between 1,750 and 2,250 words in length (roughly 7 to 9 pag

This paper should be between 1,750 and 2,250 words in length (roughly 7 to 9 pages)
Note that there are two parts of this assignment, and two options for the first part of it.
(The two options were to do a thesis statement/question or do an Annotated bibliography, but I had chosen just to do a thesis statement.
– Number 1A which is the Thesis Statement is due: Friday, Dec. 3, before class.
– The Final Version is due Wednesday, Dec. 17 on Canvas by 4pm.
1A. The Thesis Statement/Question. This should be around 200-250 words. This should describe which question above you will address and how you will address it. Do not just reframe one of the above questions. Instead, make it your own by describing your approach to it. What sort of sources (articles, films, etc.) will you draw on to address your topic? The key part of this part of the assignment is answering this question: What argument do you want to make, OR what question do you want to examine?
Choice of topic for final paper:
Ethnographic perspectives on urban place and mobility in Europe
Many of the anthropologists we have examined this semester have focused on the concept of place. This has been central to their goals as ethnographers more generally. In your view, what are the two or three most important ways that attention to place contributes to our understanding of issues addressed in our readings? Drawing on at least two of our readings (in addition to Kleinman), explain how attention to place has helped ethnographers provide new perspectives on society and culture in Europe.
be sure to include:
– A title that describes your subject and your perspective on it, as precisely as possible with both.
– A careful overview summary of the key historical events important to your topic. You need not include it all in a paragraph or two – it is even better if you integrate it within your essay as a whole – but you should demonstrate knowledge of key events that shaped the context for your subject. Be sure to include at least three dates (the year of a given event is sufficient) as part of your explanation of the historical context.
– reference to at least 3 sources other than Kleinman. Include and comment on at least two quotations: one from Kleinman and one from an outside source by an anthropologist that we have not read in class (Find a new post-2018 source – not one that you have already used in a paper).
– A Works Cited page with Title, Author, Date, Publisher, and Place of Publication for all works cited and other sources you found particularly helpful. Use the bibliography of a book or article as a guide, if necessary.
(Book readings will be uploaded below)
Readings for final paper:
– Will Brexit Bring the Troubles Back to Northern Ireland?.. PDF
– Guano, Creative Urbanity, Chapter 5, Touring the Hidden City
– Guano, Chapter 6, pp. 155-159
– Belfast Imaginary: Place, Performance and the new Northern Irish Identity
– Book: adventure capital: migration and the making of an african hub in paris (This will be screenshots of many pages in the book full pages of Chapter 1 and some pages of Chapter 3 to read)

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