This assignment requires you to let the user enter a list of courses, but stop t

This assignment requires you to let the user enter a list of courses, but stop them if they enter a sixth and insist that they delete one.  The result will be an interactive program – it will keep running until the user commands it to stop.
This program is more extensive than the ones you have written so far.  Allocate significantly more time to it.
Create an empty list of courses.
Prompt the user for a course they wish to enter, or to type “EXIT” if they wish to stop entering courses.
Add the course to the end of the list of courses.
If the list of courses is up to six, print out the list of courses with good formatting (one course per line, along with a list header), and ask them which one they want to drop.
Print a number next to each course, and ask for a number of the course to drop.  For example, if the user wants to drop the first course entered, they should enter “1”, and if they want to drop the last course entered, they should enter 6.
For both the printout and the user input you will need to convert between Python’s zero-based list numbers and the one-based list numbers you present to the user!
Go back and ask for another course.
When the user finally types “EXIT”, print out their list of courses with good formatting (as above), and stop.
Make sure to include coding comments that say the function name, what the function does, what each of the parameters does, if anything gets returned and what can go wrong

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