Think carefully about the following two questions and write one essay each in re

Think carefully about the following two questions and write one essay each in response. Be sure to include primary and secondary source material in your analysis, especially all of our readings and lectures/class discussions up to this point. Each essay should be between 3-4 typed pages (no larger than font 12, New Times Roman) and counts 50 points for a total of 100. Make sure you have a clear introduction (including the thesis statement), a main segment (where you develop and flesh out your key arguments), and an equally clear conclusion, (where you restate your thesis), to each essay.
The essays are due on Friday, October 29, at the beginning of class. Keep an electronic copy for your own records.
Good Luck.
1) How do the mytho-historical accounts of the Ancient Hebrews reflect the clash between monotheistic and polytheistic beliefs among them? Did monotheism come into existence fully formed and uncontested or did it have to coexist with polytheism for a long time? Focus on the narratives of Abraham in Ur/Mesopotamia and Moses at Mt. Sinai, as well as his reception by the Hebrews when he returned with the tablets. Make sure to include Yahweh and Baal in your explanation. What do these stories tell us about the religious beliefs and practices of the various peoples who lived in those regions during the Bronze and Iron Ages? Related to this: should historians take these and similar mytho-historical accounts from different cultures and time periods uncritically at face value? If not, how can we sort out “what actually happened” and at least begin to separate “history” from “mythology” in any systematic and methodical fashion?
2) How does Neil Faulkner compare and contrast the types of states and societies that developed during the Bronze Age and the Iron Age? Focus on the connections between the material and technological foundations of such states & societies, as well as the socio-economic, cultural, and political structures within them, as they evolved during those “Ages.”
I would like for each paper to be separate please and thank you

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