The attached waveform includes one of 16 possible signals plus noise.  The signa

The attached waveform includes one of 16 possible signals plus noise.  The signals are 4 bits long (0000, 0001, 0010, … etc.).  You have to figure out which one using auto or cross correlation.  A “1” is indicated by 1 volt, a “0” by -1 volt. The signal is 40 points long.  Each bit is 10 points long.  The 41st point starts a new sequence.
Students Question:
Question: Hey guys for project we have to figure out which one using auto or cross correlation?
Answer: I think we use auto to find the 0000-1111 waveforms then cross each of those with the thing he gave us
Also i want with report 1 page or 2.

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