Structural violence, and inequity based on gender, class, race, and environment

Structural violence, and inequity based on gender, class, race, and environment have also become part of globalization, replicating domestic inequality on a global scale. In your essay, you will use the general dynamics we have discussed and see how they work in a specific, real world situation. write an analytic argument about Bolivia’s Water Privatization addressing the following questions: What are the sources of this inequality and how it is established and maintained? Why are the winning elites, local and global, so successful? Why are the losers having difficulty gaining recognition, let alone changing the situation despite such terrible inequality?
What role is structural violence playing? (The emphasis here is on structures. Intentional manipulation of access, laws, government policy, use of government resources, economic systems, global regulations, etc.)
How are issues of race, class, gender, and environmental justice shaping the situation? (Note that you do not have to cover all four of these. Pick the ones you think are most relevant to your case study.)
Finally, how does globalization or the interchanges between countries influence or help create the inequality you see?
You should cite, at minimum, five sources: (1) the starter article provided below for your chosen topic, (2) at least two sources from in-class materials, including articles and film clips, and (3) at least two relevant, reputable sources (articles/chapters) that you find on your own that are about your case study. Thus, if you are writing about Bolivia, find at least two more articles on Bolivia (but I suggest finding more).
I will grade your essay on a 100-point scale according to the following rubric:
90-100 = Fully and directly addresses the prompt; clearly states your argument or thesis statement early on in the paper; demonstrates a coherent and convincing narrative that argues for your thesis throughout the paper; meets or exceeds the indicated word count without redundant or irrelevant content; includes relevant, specific, and properly cited details from at least 5 sources total (including the source I have provided); demonstrates comprehension of issues of structural violence, and, where relevant, of gender, class, race, and environmental justice; shows evidence of careful proofreading and copy-editing.
80-89 = Lacks one of the above attributes; meets the indicated word count without redundant or irrelevant content.
70-79 = Lacks two of the above attributes but says something relevant and interesting.
0-69 = Lacks the above attributes and/or contains mostly fluff.

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