*select a time period from these links where the President was of a different po

*select a time period from these links where the President was of a different political party than the majority in Congress, and bring to discussion some of the problems of having a President elected by factions that are not the majority in Congress
Article I of the Constitution provides the requirements and power of the Legislative Branch. This link provides a history of numbers of Democrats and Republicans in Congress from 1855 (when the Republican Party was founded): http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0774721.html Notice that during the Civil War years of the early 1860s there were few Democrats because southern states pulled out of Congress to create their own government: The Confederate States of America. After the Civil War, loyalty oaths were required for them to once again have voting rights and participate in elections, becoming known as the “solid Democratic South”. Until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, running for Congress in southern states meant running as a Democrat, and presidential candidates needed to find a way to gain southern votes. Article II of the Constitution provides the requirements of the Executive Branch of government. This link shows presidential election voting by political party for the same time period: http://2012election.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=004332
Be sure to cite sources.

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