Select a criminological theory from any of the theories that you have learned ab

Select a criminological theory from any of the theories that you have learned about this semester. You should select the theory you believe is the most valid explanation of criminal behavior. Please answer the following questions in your paper. (You may use the below questions as subheadings in your paper.)
Which theory do you think does the best job of explaining criminal behavior?
Explain in detail why you think this theory does the best job of explaining criminal behavior.
Discuss the history of the development of the theory.
Has the theory been empirically supported? In other words, cite three to five studies that have tested the theory, and be sure to report the findings of these studies.
What policies could be implemented if the theory were to be adopted by the criminal justice system?
Your paper should have a title page, it should be typed, (3) to (5) pages in length, 12-point font, and double spaced. Be sure to include a reference page citing all of your sources using the American Psychological Association 6th edition. This paper is a culmination of your learning for this semester. Be sure that the paper reflects a breadth and depth of knowledge equal to a graduate-level evaluation of the theory.

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