.Research Paper:At the end of the semester, after you’ve had some experience wri

.Research Paper:At the end of the semester, after you’ve had some experience writing philosophical essays,you are required to write a short paper on political philosophy. Political philosophy is the branch of philosophy which deals with issues such as justice, liberty,human rights, and the legitimacy of authority.  Your paper should compare, contrast, and critique the political philosophiesof Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Karl Marx. Read the following classic works,and refer to them in your paper:1.Thomas Hobbes, “The Absolutist Answer: The Justification of the State is the Security it Affords,” (596-605 11th).2.John Locke, “The Democratic Answer: The Justification of the State is its Promotion of Security and NaturalHuman Rights,” (606-61111th).3.Mary Wollstonecraft, “A Vindication of the Rights of Women,” (644-647 11th).4.Karl Marx, “Estranged Labor,”in The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844,(Find this essay on your own, using your research skills, but besure to cite it properly).The paper should be aroundfive pages, double-spaced, ina 12 point, Times NewRoman font.  Be sure to give yourpaper an original titlethat is specificand descriptive. Every timeyou quote or paraphrase one of the philosophersyou must citethe sourcein a numbered footnote,formatted to the Chicago Style.Here is an online quick guideto the Chicago Manual of Style: (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html).  There is a useful appendixin the textbook on how to write a philosophy paper. 

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