Report: Using the output that you created in SPSS ( the charts I included in the

Report: Using the output that you created in SPSS ( the charts I included in the document attached) , at the top of the same document, describe the analysis and provide conclusions. The report should be in paragraph form, using language appropriate to data analysis. Each numbered set of questions should be answered in a separate paragraph.
Begin your report with an overview of the analysis: what are the goals of the study? What are the relevant variables, and how did you analyze them?
Describe the three variables by referring to the frequency distribution results for the original and new normality statistics. Pay special attention to the skewness and kurtosis, as well the histogram with the normal curve.
Analyze the two scatter plot graphs you made with the newly transformed variables. Discuss if it looks like urbanized nations are more likely to have higher Gross Domestic Products and Gross National Incomes. Compare these results to those of the non-normalized variables.
Draw conclusions from the analysis by summarizing the research question.

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