Read this discussion. Respond by sharing insight on their post, compare and cont

Read this discussion. Respond by sharing insight on their post, compare and contrast your post with theirs, or correlate their post to a relevant article identified from the literature. APA format with 1 reference cited not older than 5 years easily retrievable. 250 words minimum. Technology is an ever-evolving subject that advances at a rapid rate. Everyday it seems that there is something that is even more new and improved than the day before, especially in healthcare. When COVID-19 debuted, panic and fear fell among the masses and keeping everyone safe and healthy was at the utmost importance. Although health was at the forefront of everyone’s mind, there are also other health conditions that still required necessary attention. This is when telehealth and telemedicine became largely popular. This was not a new trait to some physicians and practices, but was adopted by many more. Although the terms strongly resemble each other, they are widely different and can often times get confused. According to the Amercian Academy of Family Physicians, (2021) “Telehealth is different from telemedicine because it refers to a broader scope of remote healthcare services than telemedicine”. My understanding between the two is that telemedicine refers to medical treatment and opinion being given in order to treat a patient. An example of this that comes to mind is a service we offer at my hospital. When we have psychiatric patients that are in need of treatment recommendations, we use our “telepsych” carts. These are computers that we set up in patient’s rooms where a psychiatrist, who is in a remote location, is able to communicate with a patient via computer. On the other hand, there is telehealth. This refers to “remote non-clinical services, such as provider training, administrative meetings, and continuing medical education, in addition to clinical services” (Cranford, 2020). Telehealth once again has many different components. It can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous refers to a telehealth visit that is in real time. An example of this is outlined by Mechanic, et al (2017), and is called FVV or Facilitated Virtual Visit. “An example of a facilitated virtual visit occurs when the patient is located at an accessible site (i.e. clinic) where diagnostic equipment is available and the medical provider is at a distant site (Mechanic et al, 2017). In comparison, asynchronous refers to “store-and-forward” technique, whereas a patient or physician collects medical history, images, and pathology reports and then sends it to a specialist physician for diagnostic and treatment expertise” (Mechanic et al, 2017). The advances in technology are a wonderful thing in the healthcare setting, however in my personal opinion, they can also pose issue. The concept behind telehealth and telemedicine are great but I do feel they take away a lot of the objective we take in to consideration as practitioners. You can tell a lot by physically touching a person not to mention the ability to actively do an assessment on them. In combination, there are restrictions that apply under the Affordable Care Act that may make the use of tele visits more difficult or less financially appealing to a patient such as specific settings, licensing and communication preferences. I believe there is a time and place for everything and when considering the use of telehealth, it should be on a case by case basis.

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