Purpose – The purpose of this assignment is gain an in-depth understanding of ty

Purpose –
The purpose of this assignment is gain an in-depth understanding of typical growth and development of adolescents age 12-18.
Assignment –
You will interview a teen (age 12-18) and write a report using the following format. The report will be 4-6 pages. In addition, there will be a separate cover page, a reference page, and an appendix with your questions and field notes (answers to the questions.)
Instructions –
Pick a teen to interview.
This should NOT be a family member or close friend.
Assure the teen and family of confidentiality. You will not use the real name. (You get to make one up.)
Prepare the specific questions that you plan to ask:
Prepare a specific questions (about ten or so) to be used to open the conversation on a particular topic, but do not feel that you need to limit yourself to those questions. Once the teen begins to talk about a topic, you should use a flexible interview procedure, following up with additional questions and asking for elaboration. Avoid questions that have yes/no replies. Examples of questions to ask are listed at the end of these instructions. You are not limited to these questions. You can use some of them and make up some of your own. You can use all of them or none of them.
Background information –
Get some basic background information on the teen: age, sex, siblings, ethnicity, place of birth, family makeup (who is important in the family), language(s) used, childcare arrangements, and physical appearance.
Interview the teen:
Try to interview the teen privately. Give her/him plenty of time to answer the questions. As much as you can, be sure not to influence the answers or share your own ideas about the questions. Write down or record the answers exactly. Try to keep the interview to about 30-40 minutes.
Find your sources:
Use your textbook, modules, and/or other reputable sources as references:
Take the notes from your interview, and begin to make sense of them. What is important, what are you going to write about? Compare the answers with information from the textbook, the modules, and/or other reputable sources as well as what we have learned in this class. Here is where you will get your results. You will use a minimum of 2 references within your interview to support your findings.
Write up your interview using the format below.
Paper layout
The expected layout for this paper is as follows:
Cover Page:
“Personal and Confidential” is written in the heading. Use a pretend name for the children so that they are not identifiable. The child’s age. The date and time of the interview, and how long the interview took.
Write School-age Interview Interview 1 (or 2) – your name (Your name must be on the title page) Now, begin the actual paper.
USE HEADINGS (Research papers use headings)
An introduction that sums up in a couple or a few sentences the purpose of this assignment. For example: “For this class, the purpose of this interview is to gain an understanding of a child between the ages of 6-11 years.
Discuss any known basic family or individual background information. This can include but is not limited to: describe the child (in general, who lives in the home, how long has the family lived in the present city, educational history, medical history, and any present concerns. State who is present during the actual interview if anyone.
Describe the setting where you did your interview. This should include only the important information on the setting while still providing a “picture” of the interview setting. What are the important things that might matter in this interview?
How did you prepare for this observation? Who did you obtain permission from? How did you record your interview? How long did it take? When did you review your notes? What else did you do? Where there any problems?
(THIS IS THE BULK OF THIS PAPER! Spend some time on this section. This is where you show you have gained an understanding of the developmental tasks of the particular age group. Most points are earned here.) Your paper should be 4-6 pages long, plus your coversheet, reference page, and appendix pages.
Based on information obtained from the interview, readings, and lecture, write at least 3-4 paragraphs for each of the following areas;
You must relate your summary to information obtained from chapter readings, AND cite the author (Papalia) and page numbers where you found your information. Include at least references to the text. Failure to do so will lower your grade considerably. Use specific examples from the interview to support your conclusions for the following:
Be sure to have at least 4-5 examples (with direct wording and reference to the page number in textbook) for each area of development in order to give a well-rounded summary of the child’s development.
Physical Development (Describe the teen’s body growth. What was the teen’s psychological reaction to pubertal changes? Describe any health issues. Is this teen involved in any physical activity?)
Cognitive Development ( Describe evidence of formal operational thinking and abstract thought in the teen’s responses. Describe the teen’s language development. Describe the teen’s vocational development.)
Social Development and Emotional Development – (Did you notice any signs that the teen is forming an identity? Describe the teen’s peer relationships. How much of an influence does social media have on this teen? Are there any problems with development like depression or delinquency? What else?)
Summarize your findings. End with a brief concluding paragraph (5-6 sentences) that describes what you learned about this stage of development through the interview process. Discuss any implications from your interview, additional thoughts, and recommendations, make final conclusions and generally wrap up your paper. There should be no citations in your conclusion, as your conclusion should be solely your own words. This is about the child, not your feelings or experience doing the interview itself.
Include all citation sources and your norm table citations. Use APA formatting here.
Appendix 1 – Interview questions
Appendix 2 – Answers to questions. You may not be able to write all the answers down, but add any answers that triggered an important discussion or that led you to questions that you did not expect to ask.
Appendix 3 – Permission slip or email
Tips for success:
This is a focused study. Think of yourself as a researcher.
Before actually interviewing the child, I highly recommend that you review the age group through the textbook.
This is a learning opportunity.
You are going into this assignment to learn something new, to discover, and investigate.
Be prepared and knowledgeable. This will help you know what to look for.
Carefully write and edit this report.
The interview report should be 4 to 6 pages in length and typed (12 point font, 1-inch margins, double spaced, and follow APA format).
Pay attention to the examples provided.
REMEMBER to include the questions you asked (this portion should be at the end of your paper). Feel free to use your own questions or the ones provided.
Teen Interview Questions:
What is your family life like? Describe where you live and whom you live with.
What is your social life like? Who are your friends? What do you do together?
What role does school play in your life? Are you thinking of going to college or work? Where?
What are some frustrating experiences in your life right now?
What types of rules or restrictions do you have?
What is the hardest thing about being a teen? What is the best?
What are the most important things in your life right now?
Do you belong to a group at school? How would you describe your group? What makes it a group? What does your group like to do?
What are the different groups at your high school?
Who do you look up to?
Do you get along with your parents? How do you resolve differences? What are the things you fight about?
Do you have any concerns about the future or the world’s political, economic, or environmental situation? What are they?
What makes you angry? What do you do about it?
What do you do for fun? What do you do for money?
How do you get around (transportation)?
Do you date? Have a steady girlfriend/boyfriend? What do you do when you go out?
Are alcohol and drugs readily available to teens?
What effect does gang activity have on you and your friends?
Recent studies indicate that a growing number of high school students are sexually active. Do you think this is true? Why?
Do you know anyone who is or has gotten someone pregnant? What effect has it had on his/her life?
If you could tell adults anything, what would it be?

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