Part 1: Component Parts of a Book Review 1) Map out the component parts of a boo

Part 1: Component Parts of a Book Review
1) Map out the component parts of a book review- i.e. what a book review contains. Summary of the book. Title, author, date of publication. Comparing it to other books in the genre. Strengths and weaknesses of the book. Relationship to other books the author wrote. Key components of the genre. Rating of book (?) (Personal opinions) Art/graphs/cover art/diagrams. Historical context. Key themes/motifs. Influence of book on author and society and genre, popularity but more that popularity. Biography of author.
2) Review the diction/tone/style/point of view/rhetorical appeals which book reviews use, i.e. present to me an overall pattern. Are there particularly points of detective/mystery novels which must be written about in a book review- i.e. information about the author and publication history, the tone and style of the book, the popularity of the book, the types of clues or the type of plot used in the book, etc.
3) Why are published book reviews important to consumers, book sellers, authors, journalists?
4) Which books sound the most interesting to you and why? What are the reasons for this, i.e. are there personal reasons of rhetorical style/appeal reasons, and if so, what reasons.
Part 2: Write a Book Review
1) Read a mystery novel – it has been assigned in the following lists.

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