Note: To pass all the automated tests you need to create and call the main funct

Note: To pass all the automated tests you need to create and call the main function as described in this video
Hint: This video covering how to use command line arguments might be useful.
Hint: An example log file can be found in the attached materials named as lab2_1.txt
This video recorded while running the finished script showcases how the script shall look and work when finished.
I would also like for you to do this step below marked in ” ” quotation marks before or after being done with writing the code.
“Here the student shall present what method or methods he or she has chosen to use when devising a plan. This section shall also contain the plan created  as  a  template  for  how  to  solve  the  task.  It  is  up  to  the  student  to  choose  what approach to use, but some examples of approaches are: Flow chart, Pseudo code, Diagrams or Models, Draw a picture. This section shall also be brief but it is important that the student manages to convey his or her plan in an understandable way.”

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