Listen to the Mp3 I uploaded and write a summary following the instruction below

Listen to the Mp3 I uploaded and write a summary following the instruction below:
If the talk was substantive, the reaction could include the following:
What were the researchers trying to do?
How did they do it (methods and data)?  Are there any ideas/lessons you took away from these methods?
How well did they do it?  What made the project strong?  What would they still need to work on?  What remaining questions do you have?
Any other thoughts of how this could relatively directly apply to your research.
If the talk was methodological, the reaction could include the following:
What was the speaker trying to explain/give advice on?
How did the speaker try to explain or give advice?
What did you learn from the talk that was helpful?
What else would have been helpful for you to learn about this topic/issue?
Any other thoughts of how this could relatively directly apply to your research. 
Total page requirement: Approx 300 words per reaction memo

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