Learning Goal: I’m working on a environmental science writing question and need

Learning Goal: I’m working on a environmental science writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Hello, I need help with 1 short paper and 2 Event Analyses on Environmental Studies, which are Due on December 3rd, 11:59 pm (Pacific Time). SO TOTAL WORK WOULD BE 3 ASSIGNMENTS.I’ll provide the readings and lectures that you can use for the questions when we start the conversation. Also, I can send you the answer (written work) that I got 93/100 from the previous one.Everything is mentioned, so please read the questions carefully.I have many questions regarding this course so I can meet an outstanding tutor so I can work frequently; thank you.—–1st ASSIGNMENT—–This is an open book, open note. Answer 2 of the following 3 questions on a typed, double-spaced document (font size must be no smaller than 10). You must answer question #1, so your choice for your second essay is between #2 and #3. You are to complete this essay examination outside of class and upload it on GauchoSpace no later than 11:59 pm Pacific Time on December 3, 2021. These are essay questions, so take your time and answer them thoroughly with supporting evidence from the readings, class lectures, discussions, and films. The length of each answer should be a maximum of 3 double-spaced pages (which means the total length of the both questions combined should be no more than 6 double-spaced pages). Please make sure your text font is no smaller than 10 points and that your margins are no smaller than ½ inch. You can earn a maximum of 25 points for this exam (12 points for each question and 1 free point). I will be looking for one basic criterion: a strong argument supported by evidence from class sources. Please make sure you include the letters below (for example, 1A, 1B, etc.) in your essays to indicate clearly which questions you are answering. Also, please answer all parts of the question and do so in a way that advances a clear argument (in other words, make sure you have a clear point). Please do not quote directly from the readings: use your own words. Be sure to draw directly from both readings and lectures. Finally, include all references to readings in parentheses like this: (de Onís, p. 6) or (Lecture, November 9, 2021). There is no need for a bibliography. Good luck![note: you must answer question #1]1. A) In “Alternatives for Community and Environment” Julian Agyeman argues that there are some key reasons for the success of ACE (Alternatives for Community and Environment). Isabelle Anguelovski’s study of social change in Boston, Havana, and Barcelona (“Tactical developments for Achieving Just and Sustainable Neighborhoods”), also focuses on how grassroots movements can achieve successes for promoting environmental justice and sustainability. Identify and discuss three ways these authors are in agreement over what the drivers of success are for these efforts (6 points)B) Our special guest lectures (Eco-Vista, Carlos Orendain, Teresa Romero, etc.) described the actions of environmental and climate leaders in this region and other sites around the U.S.. What are some major lessons you learned from at least 1 of these sources about the most effective means to achieve ecological sustainability? We were introduced to the following concepts this quarter—degrowth [Kallis et al], ecological design [Lecture], and regeneration [Lecture and Hoxie]. Choose 1 of these concepts and discuss how it was reflected in any 1 of the guest lectures (6 points)2. A) We were introduced to the following concepts this quarter–resilience [Ranganathan and Bratman, Lecture, Caniglia et al], regeneration or regenerative development [Lecture, Hoxie], and social sustainability [Ergas]. Drawing from course materials, discuss how any 2 of these concepts push beyond the limitations of sustainability or sustainable development. In other words, why and how do these concepts take us a step further? (6 points)B) Drawing on key sources from the course, discuss and provide evidence for why COVID-19 is a concern that reflects the intersections of social equity and environmental risks. What might be a solution to these challenges that reflects one or more key ideas from the course readings (for example, multi-species justice, wasteocene, etc.)? (6 points)OR3. A) You proposed your own Green New Deal during the Quiz 2 this week. How does your Green New Deal compare to at least 2 other Green New Deals we have encountered in the class? In other words, what does your Green New Deal offer that others do not offer? Finally, how does your Green New Deal specifically address at least 2 key ideas from the readings in Week 8, Week 9 or Week 10 (for example, commons, cooperatives, energy justice, resilience, Ubuntu, degrowth, etc.)? (6 points)B) Drawing from Agyeman’s “Alternatives for Community and Environment” article, what is the Just Sustainability Index (JSI) and how well do most U.S. environmental organizations perform when evaluated by this index? Offer a critique of the JSI—in other words, how might this index be limited in some way? Propose a way to strengthen or improve the JSI. That improvement should include some consideration of key concepts from other readings assigned this quarter. (6 points)—–2nd & 3rd ASSIGNMENT—– (Event Analysis 1 & 2)You can do a movie and a webinar if you cannot find a live event. I would recommend tapping into the Isla Vista community to find events relevant to local issues. You can google non-profits or interesting organizations like The Nature Conservancy, or something like Green Biz. You can also watch a movie like Artifishial or DamNation.These are just a few general ideas, but please let me know if you have any others.This assignment requires you to write up a 1 page single-spaced summary and analysis of an event that you observed and/or participated in. You can write up an event analysis for a relevant film as well, but that can only be for 1 of the 2 assignments. The goal is to have you engage in writing and thinking about relevant activity and creative work going on in the world and to relate it to the class. You can receive a maximum of 2 points for each event analysis (and up to .25 and .50 points off for incomplete responses). There are two things that each event analysis must include: 1) a short summary of the event (1 point maximum); and 2) an analysis of how the event relates to the class (1 point maximum). If you include any sources, please list those at the bottom of your essay using APA style (https://www.mendeley.com/guides/apa-citation-guide).

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