Learning Goal: I’m working on a brand identity multi-part question and need an e

Learning Goal: I’m working on a brand identity multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Hello I cant understand two questions.Our work is Group Project: Brand Audit Project Guidelines Select a relatively new brand for this project. Be sure to get my approval before proceeding on the project. It will be easier for you to collect information if you select a brand that is publicly traded. It is helpful if someone in your team has worked for or has contacts within the company. Every team must study a different brand, and I’ll approve brands on a first-come, first-served basis. Goal: Conduct an in-depth examination of your approved brand to assess its sources of brand equity and suggest ways to improve and leverage brand equity. Your report should address the following points, however in consultation with the instructor you may add other points of discussion: Provide a description of the company that markets this product • Explain where the brand fits in the company’s product mix • Provide a detailed description of the target market(s) for this brand • Profile customer’s brand knowledge structures • Analyze the brand elements • Analyze the previous and current marketing programs • Analyze secondary brand associations • Profile direct and indirect competitive brands for points of parity and points of difference • Clearly discuss the brand’s positioning • Discuss the basis for current brand perceptions • Discuss the consistency and continuity of marketing programs • Examine the perceptions of line and brand extensions • Propose research you would like to see to conduct a better brand audit (Note: you will pretest your research suggestions using a very limited number of subjects in a convenience sample such as family, friends, etc.) • Recommend improvements on how this brand should be managed • How can brand equity be improved • How can the brand be more effectively leveraged into new product categories to maximize profits • Justify your analysis with concepts from our readings and discussions
Process: You will have varying degrees of success getting information, so this issue should be considered when you select the brand to study. Format: There is no universal format for a brand audit. Use standard business writing format which includes an executive summary, page numbers, title page, table of contents, headings & subheadings, parenthetical citations within the text, a complete bibliography, an appendix that includes figures, graphs, data tables, etc. And my questions 1.Propose research you would like to see to conduct a better brand audit (Note: you will pretest your research suggestions using a very limited number of subjects in a convenience sample such as family, friends, etc.) 2.Justify your analysis with concepts from our readings and discussions I have to answer there two questions. Can you help?

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