Instructions: you are being asked to write your own autobiography from a languag

Instructions: you are being asked to write your own autobiography from a language perspective – looking at issues of languages learned or used by you or your ancestors, your language goals, and how structural factors (language policy, language ideologies, etc.) may have determined your language experiences.
You may also address how your experiences may have shaped your attitudes about language policy (e.g., should English be the official language of the U.S.?). In this project, you will connect your experience as a user of one or more American languages to concepts covered throughout the course.
Important steps:
1. Introduction, body, conclusion. Grammar and style should be formal and coherent.
2. Thesis statement Inclusion that connects your personal language experiences
3. Well-integrated reference to at least two sources,at least one of which must be a scholarly article
4. Course concepts are correctly applied (e.g. language shift, diglossia, linguistic discrimination,overt/covert prestige, etc)
Must address the following question :
What are your beliefs about language policy issues, and where do you think those beliefs come from? ( eg. from personal experience, political philosophies, formal learning, etc)
Examples provided by the professor for thesis statements:
– My connection with my peers led me to use the non-Standard variety of English spoken in my neighborhood,despite the fact that my parents spoke Standard English at home.
-Language attitudes about the low status of my regional variety motivated me to switch to the standard form after leaving home.
-My positive attitudes towards my heritage language allowed me to maintain it throughout my adolescence.
My language is Arabic so please write the autobiography accordingly
I speak the home language and English at home (2nd gen)

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