Impact of Social Media on Dance Name, Paper Title and Class (DAH 201) 12 pt font

Impact of Social Media on Dance
Name, Paper Title and Class (DAH 201)
12 pt font (Arial or Times New Roman)
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Opening Statement that includes your personal opinion about the Impact of Social Media on Dance
Evidence from credible sources to support your claims
Closing Statement that returns to your original
Consider these prompts to guide your writing. You may also develop one or more of your own questions.
If you are active on Instagram, do you believe it has shaped your views about dance? How?
How has social media impacted dance communities that are primarily social in nature? Do you see benefits? Drawbacks? Discuss.
How has social media impacted professional dance communities? (concert dance, commercial dance) Does this matter? Why?
Insiders from the Concert Dance World:
Teresa Ruth Howard writes “Is Instagram Changing The Dance World’s Value System?” in Dance Magazine, July 16, 2018:
“This is a slippery slope. Surfing Instagram is like watching the virtue of dance as a high art deteriorate in real time. Who and what goes viral is a reflection of a newly-forming value system. With each “like” and “follow,” we vote on the future of our field.”
“As a community, we would be remiss not to take a good hard look at how social media is changing the landscape of our field. As history has taught us, things once abandoned are hard to reclaim.”
Insiders from the Commercial Dance World in Los Angeles:
Robert Laos writes his MFA thesis at UC Irvine “Social Media and its Effects in the Commercial Dance World”:
“I discovered that social media have created new ways of commodifying people as brands to extend the reach of their products. The experiential evidence shows that it does not matter if dancers or actors have professional training, as long as they have a following. It is this that is quantifiable to companies as they convert these followings into potential customers pre-groomed by the Influencer. It is clear that companies have found an easier way to get their marketing done by everyday people: many more people can view their products, buy tickets, and increase their ratings if they are attached to Influencers or social media stars whom they follow.”
NOTE: Please use MLA citation style, which includes parenthetical citations.

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