Imagine this scenario: Gail Industries’ TPS failed, and you need to complete a b

Imagine this scenario: Gail Industries’ TPS failed, and you need to complete a business impact analysis (BIA) and an information systems contingency plan (ISCP).
In this assignment, write a 1 page paper, you’ll complete a business impact analysis (BIA) outline for critical issues that would need to be addressed in preparing a contingency plan to send to management for approval. You will provide information about a potential failure and identify the key parts of hardware, network, and security to ensure the protection of the data and the critical impacts that the business may suffer due to the loss of the TPS to support collections processing referenced in the Gail Industries Case Study.
Use the template below to complete a BIA outline by providing the following information for each corresponding section:
• Overview: Use the text provided and fill in the prompts with specific information about your assignment.
• Purpose: Use the text provided and fill in the prompts with specific information about your assignment. Then, complete this section by describing how the BIA will determine the business impact of system and/or service outages.
• System description: Provide a general description of the system architecture and its functionality (e.g., TPS processing system for collection processing services). Include the operating environment, physical location, and general location of users.
• System criticality: Based on input from company stakeholders, identify the specific mission/business processes that depend on or support the information system.
• IT infrastructure dependencies: Include the network and cloud (Amazon Web Services™) components.
• Impacts: Provide information about the business impact on company operations using the input from company stakeholders. Then, provide information about downtime and outage impacts from a collection processing services outage.
• Maximum tolerable downtime (MTD)/recovery time objective (RTO)/recovery point objective (RPO) determination: Potential items to include in this section could be the TPS, network components, and cloud components.
On the second page:
For this assignment, you will prepare an Information System Contingency plan (ISCP) outline to submit to management for approval. In the ISCP, you will identify and plan for contingencies as you prepare to mitigate the potential loss of a company’s critical system.
Use the template below to complete an ISCP outline by providing the following information for each corresponding section:
• Introduction: Use the text provided and fill in the prompts with specific information about your assignment.
• Background, scope, and assumptions: Use the text provided and fill in the prompts with specific information about your assignment. Then, outline the recovery plan objectives, scope of the ISCP, and assumptions, such as any backup processing locations, current backups, etc.
• Concept of operations: Use the text provided and fill in the prompts with specific information about your assignment. Then, summarize the high-level criteria that must be met for each phase.
*This paper should be 1 page for BIA and 1 page for ISCP*

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